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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fall Cleanup - It Begins

Even though it’s a balmy 78° in Denver today, the good ole’ weather man says it’s going to snow next Thursday.  So, time to clean up out in the garden. Since I was out of town the last time it snowed, I still came home to some dead plants.

Garden area. Next year... MORE!
Today I pulled out the cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, cantaloupe, string beans, and the basil. Crispy, they were, so into the compost pile they went. Took out all the tomato cages and trellis supports and stowed them away.

Herb Haul
Oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, and the heaping big pile of French tarragon on the right. The bowl has dried fennel seeds. After all the dead twigs and leaves from the neighbor’s aspen tree are cleaned out from the herbs, I’ll tie up the branches and slip them into brown grocery bags and hang them from the basement rafters. In a few weeks they will be crispy and I can easily strip the precious leaves from the woody stems inside the bag and then store them in air tight containers for use this winter. Save the woody stems to throw on the BBQ coals!

Beets and Swiss Chard

Kale, Celery and Parsley

I plan on making leek and potato soup and putting the batch in quart jars to process in the pressure caner. I’ll pickle the beets. Still have to figure out the carrots but I found a good recipe for pickled carrots, too. The kale and Swiss chard will withstand some snow and we can add the chopped up leaves to our soups and stews.